
RIOT Games – Social Media


I took care about the visual part of RIOT Games social media accounts in Czech Republic.


- Motion design (Instagram Reels)
- Static visuals
- Editing visuals from other regions
- Ideating about new content

About Project

Client: RIOT Games
Agency: DDB FTW
CW: Ondrej Kolek, Designer: Kryštof Henzl, SoMe Manager: Filip Bílek, SoMe Specialist: Marek Paštika

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games – Social Media

RIOT Games is very active on social networks. They have large global accounts for individual games but they also have accounts for fans in local regions to grow brand awareness. Our agency took care of the Czech Republic region’s social media, and I created most of the graphics in 2022. The graphics were made according to the global brand guides.


Numbers correspond to the date 26/12/2022.


559 posts | 13,5K followers


349 posts | 5 126 followers


399 posts | 3 473 followers

League of Legends





The local content we created could be divided into 5 main categories:

  • Community & Competitions
  • Fun & Memes
  • Gameplay
  • Esport
  • Game lore & History
Examples of the visuals
Results from 1.1.2022 to 31.12.2022
New followers on Instagram pages
Precentage of the new followers on Instagram pages
0 %
Total reach on IG @leagueoflegendscz_sk
Total reach on IG @valorantczsk
Total reach on IG @wildriftczsk

Our work was so good that sometimes it was adopted and used for other regions in the world.